
 a30d6.java   a30d6.html  a30d6txt.html

      TOPICS:   input fields.  
                start button.
                program tracing / debugging. 
                casting (conversion) = string to int to float.
                error-trapping {try..  catch..} = [IO Exception]

import corejava.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Image.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;

public class a30d6 extends Applet
{ // all definitions and initializations can go here.
   TextField inputField1,inputField2;      // define input fields.
   Button button1;                         // ...... button.
   int n1, n2;                             // ...... integers.

             // defines variable textFields
             // 'awt' (abstract windows toolkit) contains 
             // components, such as:  Buttons, Text Fields, etc.
   Font font2 = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.ITALIC, 20);  // def.  fonts.
   Font font5 = new Font("Symbol", Font.BOLD, 20);        // ....  ......

   public void init()                       // start at init() time.
     { Label namelabel1 = new Label("Enter Number 1: ",Label.RIGHT);  
       add (namelabel1);                    // def and add label.
       inputField1      = new TextField(6); // create, add, and
       add (inputField1);                   // initialize input field1.

       Label namelabel2 = new Label("Number 2:",Label.RIGHT);
       add (namelabel2);
       inputField2      = new TextField(6);
       add (inputField2);
       inputField2.setText("3");            // same as above.
       System.out.println("done entering .. about to click start");
       button1          = new Button("Start");  // def button.
     }  // end init()

   public void paint(Graphics g)
     { Font fonts   = new Font("Times New Roman",Font.BOLD,10);
       g.setColor(new Color(25,25,245));  // base color
       g.drawString("Line 61: linked to libraries, textfields setup and data entered.",20,45);
       g.drawString("Line 62: fonts (58,59) and color (60) set up.",20,60);
       g.drawString("Line 63: Press  or click 'Start' when done.",20,80);
           { String s1 = inputField1.getText();
             String s2 = inputField2.getText();
             g.drawString("67: Got strings (" + s1 + ", " + s2 + ") from input fields.",20,100);
             n1        = Integer.parseInt(s1);
             n2        = Integer.parseInt(s2);
             g.drawString("70: Converted integers (" + n1 +", " + n2 + " from 
                 Strings (" + s1 +", "+s2+")", 20,120);
             System.out.println     ("in paint() ... about to calculate"); 
             g.drawString("72: About to divide Number1 by Number2 and test for div by 0.", 20, 140);
             double n3 =  ((100*n1)/n2);
             g.drawString(" "+n1+" / "+n2+ " = " +(n3/100), 20,160);
             g.drawString("73-74: Note manipulation of decimal point to give correct answer.",20,180);
             g.drawString("This Applet accepts (2) string inputs, waits for an  
                 or button-click ...", 20,200);
             g.drawString("converts them to integers, and attempts division.",20,220);
             g.drawString("If successful, result is displayed ...",20,240);
             g.drawString("If unsuccessful, control passes to 'catch' routine where error
                 messages are displayed.",20,260);
       catch (Exception e)                                    
           { String err = e.toString();
             g.drawString("84: In Error-Trapping Routine. ",20,160);
             g.drawString("85: Now you know, you can't divide by 0! ",20,180);
             g.drawString("86: " + err,20,200);
         }  // catch 
     }  // end paint.

    public boolean action(Event event, Object arg)
     {  repaint();
        System.out.println("92: Listening for Event .... ");
        return true;
}  // end class

/*  65-66: read string data from input fields.
    68-69: convert string data to integers.
    73-74: calculate answer, and manipulate decimal position.
    83-87: what to do if there is a divide error.