Quick Contact Form for Prof.  Auciello's Students 
          Information checked daily.
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Last Name  . First Name .
email #1 email #2
phone #1 phone #2
  Type comments, questions, or concerns into the textbox below, then press "Submit Data".




Mission: To create effective, clear, timely communication using a submit form where transmit and acknowledge receipt of important information, ask and answer questions, and create a dialogue, expanding  the "Information Bandwidth"  of Online Education to the level of a good Onsite Classroom interaction by enabling fast access of clear, precise, relevant, and timely information.  The wider and deeper the "Information Channel", the greater the student success in learning!

Use this form frequently to:  1) acknowledge receipt of emails, 2) ask questions about assignments, 3) discuss grades, 4) any other issues related to your learning!  Effective communication with student-clients supports Continuous Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII).  

Our shared mission is to build a  100%-quality,  zero-defects, heavy-student-involvement-&-interaction, high-technology, Total Quality Management system here.  If you understand what I am saying here, include it in your submission, and award yourself 25cqii points on the #4 A/P Form at http://auciello.tripod.com