Following our commitment to ‘Learning Community’, we partner together in education. That means that we talk, share ideas, concerns, and work together for Continuous Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII).

Since the enrollment in CIS 701 has grown this semester (Spring 2001) to 40+ students, and since some of you are working full time, and can not check-in with me weekly, here are the rules we will follow, so that you will not get ‘lost in cyberspace’, and will gain full benefit from the course:

Attendance. Use the Attendance / Participation on this Page. With this "Daily Check-in and Progress-Tracking", you can keep up with (even go ahead of) your class!  No more 'lost in cyberspace'!

As you know, passing the class is based on points earned. 4000 for an "A", 3000 for "B", 2500 for "C", 2000 for "D".

You earn points (3) ways:
1. Each project listed under CIS 701 Projects  and on  is 100 or more Points.

2. Each 'Auciello Reading Comprehension" ("Start Disk") Quiz that is passed = 25 points to a maximum of 2000 points.

3. And each Online Quiz (701q1.htm etc) is worth 100+  points.

You must pick up your "Start" disk and prove to me that you can run it. (Easy. Just go to MS-DOS, type A:\, then type ‘START’  (follow directions on disk.)

Your screen will look like this:

A:\START Press <Enter> and follow the prompts. The quizzes are timed and require college level reading comprehension and they take concentration and speed to pass! (I have ‘flunked’ some of my own quizzes.)  Do all the quizzes on Windows, Win 98 and Microcomputers. Don’t worry if you flunk, because you retake them over until you pass, and the top scores replace the low scores.

Study them. They contain a lot of information! Your scores are recorded on the "Start" Disk. When you bring it to class, we will grade the quizzes using a special database program that gives you a printout that looks like this:

micro-00 Jan.01.2001 90

micro-01 Jan.01.2001 70 (must have 80 to pass)

Hold on to that printout. Put it in the plastic ViewBinder along with your completed projects that you will turn in at the semester’s end.

3. Extra Credit (25 points per day). Awarded for helping others. Fixing the printer, ‘above and beyond’ type achievement. You record these on the Extra Credit form (on the web), and put in your notebook.

On this page, projects are listed under CIS 701. Also, because I want you to know about it, you can get 50 points each for downloading, analyzing, writing your reaction (agree or disagree) and initialing each of the topics in Deming’s 14 Principles, Total Quality Management, Zero Quality Management, and Principles of Total Communication! (How about that?) Also there is a "HELP’ file for most assignments. Since there are about 50 projects, you can select the ones that you do. Furthermore, there are about 5 ‘Check-Ins for 701’ that you can do. They ‘nag’ you a bit to do your work. They can be submitted also for 50 points each.

Summary: To be in the class, you have to show me that you can access the information from this page, and run the quizzes on the "Start" disk.  If you need to, I can ‘burn’ a CD with the projects on it. Usually, I can do this in 5 mins if not too busy. (usually, not necessary).  Also, optionally, we can take your picture with a digital camera, or scan in any photos that you bring in and save your pictures as a .JPG file on your disk. The whole idea is to work hard, constantly, kick it up several notches to the ‘excellence’ level, and cross the ‘digital divide’ by becoming a competent PC user! The course is about your demonstrating your set of information technology skills.

Contact me by email

Talk to me, and show me what you know!

Making it happen.

Prof. Auciello. Out.

(as you help me by contributing to the class, possibly I can get to the goal of putting all your work, your resume, and pictures on a CD. So you carry your own bio in a CD folder! How cool is that?)

If we do the "Learning Community" stuff, we can all get ahead!