Principles of Total Communication
Auciello - Chimiklis


Rich Text (font style, size) is better than plain text. Text that is blocked, indented, formatted and justified is more effective than plain text.


Color, used wisely, gives more emphasis than black + white.


Interactive (response by keyboard, conferencing by video) is better than passive. Interactive > Active > Passive. So when students actually change a formula or write code (“programming the script”) and immediately see the results of their work, learning is occurring the optimal state [analysis and synthesis -- the top of the pyramid of Bloom’s Taxonomy – increasingly effective teaching/learning strategies)


Sound (music, voice, sound effects, Midi, Wav files) becomes more effective when it is in Stereo, keyed to the theme, evocative and connotative, able to create a mood without help from other media!


An embedded [flat] picture is still worth at least 1000 words. Showing work of Art.


As cool, as powerful in communicating, in a different way is “motion “. Scrolling Text (text scrolls by ….) and animated images (animated .gifs) can be rivet attention!


Music add to Motion / Graphics expands Comprehension and the Learning Bandwidth.


Full Motion (avi, mpeg) is more effective than animation. Web Communication that is interactive, musical, visual, and in motion delivers information thru many senses across a wide band to the student and optimizes the learning experience.


Developed by Joseph Auciello (Professor CIS, LA Trade Tech College) and Dr. P. “Frosty” Chimiklis, Distance Education, Victor Valley College.


© Copyright 1999, Joseph Auciello, California Technical Training