Compiled by Prof.  Joseph Auciello,   Aug. 27, 2006 

This list of model curriculum standards for Technology combines standards from  iste/NETS (1) with the standards from McREL (2).

 (1)   iste/NETS  Technology Foundation Standards for all Students. (International Society for Technology in Education / National Education Technology Standards. (as of Aug 27, 2006)

(2)   Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning,  posted Aug. 27, 2006.

(3)   California Dept of Education Information Technology Pathway Model Curriculum Standards  (May 2005), including . Information Support and Services Pathway,  Media Support and Services Pathway,   Network Communications Pathway, Programming and Systems Development Pathway.

 Project for Students:   This is a superset of all the skills and competencies for Information Technology that I found on the Internet,  and as such it it becomes most, if not all,  of the skills you need to be successful in this field.   So use as “Objectives to Complete”, initial and date as completed.  Make this part of your Portfolio.  100standards credit.







Analyze business problems by using functional and cost-benefit perspectives



Analyze customers’ needs and requirements for software



Analyze media and develop strategies that target the specific needs and desires of the audience



Analyze network system interdependencies and constraints



Analyze technical support needs



Analyze the effectiveness of online information resources to support collaborative tasks, research, publications, communications, and increased productivity



Analyze the purpose of the media to determine the appropriate file format and level of compression



Apply appropriate technologies to improve network performance



 apply knowledge of effective Web page design and management:



Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning,communication,and productivity



Apply online and other technology resources to support problem solving and related decision making for maximizing student learning



Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques



Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities



Apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity



Apply technology to increase productivity



Collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works using productivity tools



Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works



Collaborate with peers, experts, and others using telecommunications and collaborative tools to investigate curriculum-related problems, issues, and information, and to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom



Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology



Compare programs by using control structures, procedures, functions, parameters, variables, error recovery, and recursion



Configure compatible systems across various platforms and types of media



Connects via modem to other computer users via the internet, an on-line service, or bulletin board system



Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning



Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners



Demonstrate a sound Understand ing of the nature an operation of technology systems



Demonstrate an Understand ing of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity, and of practical applications to learning and problem solving



Demonstrate an Understand ing of the legal, ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology



Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information



Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies



Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and Understand ing of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students)



Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technologies and the effect those changes have on the workplace and society



Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology



Demonstrate proficiency in the use of common input and output devices; solve routine hardware and software problems; and make informed choices about technology systems, resources, and services



Design and peer teach a lesson that meets content area standards and reflects the current best practices in teaching and learning with technology



Design and teach technology-enriched learning activities that connect content standards with student technology standards and meet the diverse needs of students



Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners



Design, develop, publish, and present products (eg, Web pages, videotapes) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom



Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems



Develop a portfolio of technology-based products from coursework, including the related assessment tools



Develop information technology-based strategies and project plans to solve specific problems



Diagnose and solve software application problems



Diagram physical and logical layouts of network communication systems



Differentiate among various versions of Internet programming languages



Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate Use of technology for teaching and learning while using electronic resources to design and implement learning activities



Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use



Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide



Discuss diversity issues related to electronic media



Discuss technology-based assessment and evaluation strategies



Discuss the health and safety issues related to technology use



Distinguish between the topologies and protocols of local area networks and those of wide area networks



Evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on their appropriateness to specific tasks



Evaluate emerging products, services, and business models in relation to the creation, setup, and management of network communication products and services



Evaluate support needs for different data and systems configurations



Evaluate technology-based options, including distance and distributed education, for lifelong learning



Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness of retrieved information



Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources



Evaluate the effectiveness of software to solve specific problems



Evaluate the features of communications software products in terms of their appropriateness to organizational tasks



Evaluate the systems-development life cycle and develop appropriate plans to maintain a given system after assessing its impact on resources



Evaluate, create, and process voice, video, and data transmissions



Evaluate, select, and deploy a variety of network architectures and protocols



Examine acceptable use policies for the use of technology in schools, including strategies for addressing threats to security of technology systems, data, and information



Examine multiple strategies for evaluating technology-based student products and the processes used to create those products



Examine technology tools used to collect, analyze, interpret, represent, and communicate student performance data



Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology, and discuss consequences of misuse



Exhibit positive attitudes toward technology Use that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity



Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students



Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards



Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from teachers, family members, or student partners



Handles diskettes and other computer equipment with care



Identify a simple problem that can be solved using technology



Identify and engage in technology-based opportunities for professional education and lifelong learning, including the use of distance education



Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability



Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity



Identify capabilities and limitations of contemporary and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning, and workplace needs



Identify issues related to equitable access to technology in school, community, and home environments



Identify malfunctions and problems in hardware (eg, hard drive crash, monitor burn-out)



Identify safety and health issues related to technology use in schools



Identify some advanced features of software products (eg, galleries, templates, macros, mail merge)



Identify specific technology applications and resources that maximize student learning, address learner needs, and affirm diversity



Identify technology resources available in schools and analyze how accessibility to those resources affects planning for instruction



Identify technology-related legal and ethical issues, including copyright, privacy, and security of technology systems, data, and information



Identify the benefits of technology to maximize student learning and facilitate higher order thinking skills



Identify the elements, structure, sequence, operation, and control of systems



Identify, analyze, and evaluate emerging communications technologies for use in organizations



Identify, select, and use hardware and software technology resources specially designed for use by PK-12 students to meet specific teaching and learning objectives



 implement database management systems:



 implement quality assurance processes:



Integrate technology-based assessment strategies and tools into plans for evaluating specific learning activities



Investigate and apply expert systems, intelligent agents, and simulations in real-world situations



Investigate, evaluate, select, and use major types of systems applications and vendors, including retail, manufacturing, and service management



Know a variety of sources for reference materials (eg, online help, vendors’ Web sites, online discussion groups, tutorials, and manuals)



Know appropriate documentation support for information systems



Know appropriate policies and procedures to ensure the security and integrity of management systems



Know appropriate search procedures for different types of information, sources, and queries



Know basic characteristics and functions of an operating system



Know basic computer hardware (eg, keyboard and mouse, printer and monitor, hard and floppy disk, case for the CPU [central processing unit])



Know basic distinctions among computer software programs, such as word processors, special purpose programs, and games



Know basic facts about networked computers (eg, computers can connect to each other via modem and telephone line, or through local network systems, or internet and intranet)



Know common customer policies and procedures, including those for management and escalation of incidents



Know common industry-standard software and its applications



Know common organizational, technical, and financial risks associated with the implementation and use of systems



Know common potential risks and entrance points, including internal and external risks, and the tools used to neutralize them (eg, firewalls; monitoring; and antivirus, spyware, and spam protection)



Know common quality assurance tasks and their place in the development process



Know common techniques for disaster prevention and recovery



Know current and emerging industry-standard technology and trends



Know different requirements for structural design (eg, strength, maintenance, appearance) and that these structures require maintenance



Know examples of advanced and emerging technologies (eg, virtual environment, personal digital assistants, voice recognition software) and how they could impact society



Know examples of copyright violations and computer fraud (eg, computer hacking, computer piracy, intentional virus setting, invasion of privacy) and possible penalties (eg, large fines, jail sentences)



Know features and Use of current and emerging technology related to computing (eg, optical character recognition, sound processing, cable TV, cellular phones, ABS brakes)



Know how different systems and associated utilities perform such functions as file management, backup and recovery, and execution of programs



Know how feedback can be used to help monitor, control, and stabilize the operation of a system



Know how formats differ among software applications (eg, word processing files, database files) and hardware platforms (eg, Macintosh, Windows)



Know how part of a system can provide feedback when its output (in the form of material, energy, or information) becomes input for another part of the system



Know how specifications and codes are developed for new and existing software applications



Know how systems and software requirements are determined in various situations



Know how to acquire, use, and manage both internal and external resources needed when supporting various organizational systems



Know how to identify and integrate various types of peripherals and hardware to meet project requirements



Know how to implement a functional wired and wireless network, including the installation and configuration of components, software, and plug-ins



Know how to import and export text, data, and graphics between software programs



Know how to import, export, and merge data stored in different formats (eg, text, graphics)



Know limitations and trade-offs of various types of hardware (eg, laptops, notebooks, modems)



Know multiple ways in which to store, retrieve, and access information



Know multiple ways in which to transfer information and resources (eg, text, data, sound, video, and still images) between software programs and systems



Know names of basic computer hardware (eg, mouse, keyboard, touch screen)



Know of significant advances in computers and peripherals (eg, data scanners, digital cameras)



Know policies and procedures for routine administration (eg, user agreement, incident reporting, and recovery for users)



Know potential hazards to computer media (eg, the damage caused to floppies by magnetic fields, dirt, and dust; caused to computers by excessive heat, smoke, and moisture)



Know proper finger placement on the home row keys



Know strategies for optimizing Web design for fast delivery and retrieval



Know that a system can include processes as well as components



Know that a system usually has some properties that are different from those of its parts, but appear because of the interaction of those parts



Know that alternatives, risks, costs, and benefits must be considered when deciding on proposals to introduce new technologies or to curtail existing ones (eg, Are there alternative ways to achieve the same ends? Who benefits and who suffers? What are the financial and social costs and who bears them? How serious are the risks and who is in jeopardy? What resources will be needed and where will they come from?)



Know that communication systems can transfer information from person to person (eg, a telephone), person to machine (eg, a person inputting information into a computer), or machine to machine (eg, an automated payroll system where the record of the money goes from one computer to another)



Know that communication technology allows people to exchange and find information quickly, cheaply, and reliably over a distance



Know that group collaboration is useful as the combination of multiple creative minds can yield more possible design solutions



Know that new tools and ways of doing things affect all aspects of life, and may have positive or negative effects on other people



Know that people are always inventing new ways to solve problems and accomplish work (eg, a computer is a machine that helps people work and play)



Know that science and technology are pursued for different purposes (eg, scientific inquiry is driven by the desire to Understand  the natural world and seeks to answer questions that may or may not directly influence humans; technology is driven by the need to meet human needs and solve human problems)



Know that systems are embedded within larger systems, including technological, social, and environmental systems



Know that systems are usually linked to other systems, both internally and externally, and can contain subsystems as well as operate as subsystems



Know that technological knowledge is often not made public because of patents and the financial potential of the idea or invention; scientific knowledge is made public through presentations at professional meetings and publications in scientific journals



Know that technology and science have a reciprocal relationship (eg, technology drives science, as it provides the means to access outer space and remote locations, collect and treat samples, collect, measure, store, and compute data, and communicate information; science drives technology, as it provides principles for better instrumentation and techniques, and the means to address questions that demand more sophisticated instruments)



Know the alphanumeric keys and special keys (eg, function keys, escape key, space bar, delete/backspace, return/enter)



Know the appropriate uses of communication services, products, and applications



Know the appropriate ways to validate and cite Internet resources



Know the available resources for identifying and resolving problems



Know the basic design elements necessary to produce effective print, video, audio, and Web-based media



Know the basic functions of hardware (eg, keyboard and mouse provide input; printer and monitor provide output; hard and floppy disk provide storage; the cpu processes information)



Know the basic functions of media design software, such as keyframe animation, two-dimensional design, and three-dimensional design



Know the characteristics and functions of available quality assurance tools and procedures for a variety of situations



Know the characteristics of reliable, effective, and efficient products



Know the common features and Use of databases (eg, databases contain records of similar data, which is sorted or organized for ease of use; databases are used in both print form, such as telephone books, and electronic form, such as computerized card catalogs)



Know the common features and Use of desktop publishing software (eg, documents are created, designed, and formatted for publication; data, graphics, and scanned images can be imported into a document using desktop software)



Know the common features and Use of spreadsheets (eg, data is entered in cells identified by row and column; formulas can be used to update solutions automatically; spreadsheets are used in print form, such as look-up tables, and electronic form, such as to track business profit and loss)



Know the components of a communication system (eg,  a source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, and destination)



Know the differing capacities and trade-offs for computer storage media, such as CD-ROMs, floppy disks, hard disks, and tape drives



Know the effective use of tools for software development



Know the full process of Web hosting, including registering domain names, setting up Web hosting, setting up e-mail addresses, and recognizing privacy issues



Know the functions of common help-desk tools and resources, such as incident tracking, knowledge database, and staffing



Know the functions of various tools used to manage projects involving the development of information systems



Know the fundamentals of programming languages and concepts



Know the methodologies of program maintenance to preserve intended program applications and the operation of scheduled batch jobs and real-time jobs



Know the processes needed to install and maintain systems



Know the relative features, strengths, and weaknesses of different authoring programs and cross-platform issues



Know the software development process



Know the standards and requirements for software quality assurance



Know the steps involved in the software-testing process



Know the tools and process for registering Web sites with search directories and engines and for enabling e-commerce capabilities (eg, sell products, create a shopping cart, and handle credit card transactions)



Know the tools needed to enable databases to collect data from Web site visitors (eg, how to create forms and create a database of collected information and how to manage an online database) and the tools needed for general Web site management, including basic HTML coding, Web site statistical tracking, standard scripting languages, and advanced communications protocols



Know the tools needed to enable multimedia capabilities (eg, still images, animated graphics, sound, and video) for Web sites



Know the types of networks and their features and applications



Know the variety of data types that are stored in database management systems



Know various sorting and searching methods and their comparative advantages



Know ways in which technology and society influence one another (eg, new products and processes for society are developed through technology; technological changes are often accompanied by social, political, and economic changes; technology is influenced by social needs, attitudes, values, and limitations, and cultural backgrounds and beliefs)



Know ways in which technology has influenced the course of history (eg, revolutions in agriculture, manufacturing, sanitation, medicine, warfare, transportation, information processing, communication)



Know ways technology is used to protect the environment and prevent damage caused by nature (eg, new building technologies protect cities from earthquakes, bacteria are used in cleaning water)



Know ways that technology is used at home and at school (eg, paging systems, telephones, VCRs)



Know ways to communicate design ideas (eg, pictures, models)



Make back-up copies of stored data, such as text, programs, and databases



Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services



Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment



Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use



Observe and experience the use of technology in their major field of study



Observe common courtesies and acceptable use policies while telecomputing



Participate in online professional collaborations with peers and experts



Plan and teach student-centered learning activities and lessons in which students apply technology tools and resources



Plan for the management of electronic instructional resources within a lesson design by identifying potential problems and planning for solutions



Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities



Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment






Powers-up computer, monitor, and starts a computer program (eg, checks that printer is switched on and on-line; reboots the computer when necessary)



Practice responsible use of technology systems and software






Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources



Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information resources to be used by students



Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources concerning real-world problems



rk cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom



Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publication, communication, and productivity



Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning



Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems






Students apply technical and interpersonal skills and knowledge to support the user:



Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies



Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning



Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology



Teachers Understand  the social,ethical,legal,and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice



Trouble-shoots simple problems in software (eg, re-boots, Use help systems)



Types on a computer keyboard, using correct hand and body positions



Types with some facility, demonstrating some memorization of keys



Understand  digital logic, machine-level representation of data, memory-system organization, and use of assembly-level programming architecture



Understand  effective methods of disseminating information and instruction to users



Understand  how some elements of simple systems work together (eg, people in a restaurant, parts of a bicycle)



Understand  how to develop the purpose and scope of a systems project



Understand  how to identify and integrate various organizational systems to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness



Understand  how to support access, privacy, and high ethical standards in computing



Understand  how to track software versions



Understand  implications of key protocols and international standards and their impact on data transmission



Understand  techniques for optimizing quality assurance processes



Understand  that actions can control software programs



Understand  that when an individual creates something on a computer, the created work is that person's property, and only that person has the right to change it



Understand  the abstract organization of information and how programs maintain the properties of the data structure while they perform such operations as search, insert, or load-balancing



Understand  the appropriate peripherals and hardware needed to achieve maximum productivity for various projects



Understand  the concept of software piracy (eg, illegally copying software), and that piracy is a violation of copyright laws



Understand  the criteria and processes for evaluating the functions of information systems



Understand  the development and management process of a show (eg, television programs, musicals, and radio programs)



Understand  the differences between simple and multiuser operating systems



Understand  the differences between various Internet protocols (eg, http, ftp, mailto, and telnet)



Understand  the differences between various network environments (eg, peer-to-peer, client-server, thin client, n-tier, internetworks, intranets, and extranets)



Understand  the effective management of human, financial, and communications resources from the standpoints of the user and the provider



Understand  the functions of various network devices, including network connectivity hardware



Understand  the hardware (server) and software required for Web hosting



Understand  the importance of classifying appropriate monitoring devices and procedures for quick identification and prevention of security violations



Understand  the necessity of and procedures for communicating and documenting technical support provided



Understand  the principles of a customer-oriented service approach to users



Understand  the principles of a customer-oriented service approach to users



Understand  the processes used in managing and maintaining various types of electronic networks



Understand  the purpose, scope, and development of a Web site



Understand  the security procedures necessary to maintain and support a network



Understand  the types of media storage and the use of appropriate file formats, and know how to convert data between media and file formats



Understand  the Use of listservs, usenet newsreaders, and bulletin board systems



Understand  the various structures appropriate for specific applications within database management systems



Understand  the ways in which specification changes and technological advances can require the modification of programs



Understand  the ways in which tools for developing applications can be used to create information systems



Understand how to identify and analyze the customer’s organizational network system needs and requirements:



Understand how training and support ensure efficient, productive systems operations:



Understand key aspects of project management:



Understand network administration through the monitoring of the information and network systems:



Understand network communication applications and infrastructure:



Understand network maintenance and user-support services:



Understand network project management:



Understand programming languages:



Understand software applications and life-cycle phases:



Understand the creation and design of a software program:



Understand the dynamics of systems management and control:



Understand the effective use of communication software to access and transmit information:



Understand the effective use of tools for media production, development, and project management:



Understand the importance of effective interfaces in the interaction between humans and computer systems:



Understand the importance of quality assurance tasks in producing effective and efficient products:



Understand the importance of reading, writing, and comprehending documentation in a technical environment:



Understand the potential impact of information systems in different organizations:



Understand the process necessary to accomplish a task by using effective resource management:



Understand the process of systems implementation:



Understand the process of testing, debugging, and maintaining programs to meet specifications:



Understand the strategies necessary to define and analyze systems and software requirements:



Understand the use of different types of peripherals and hardware appropriate to media and technology:



Use a logical and structured approach to isolate and identify problem sources and to resolve problems



Use a spreadsheet to update, add, and delete data, and to write and execute valid formulas on data



Use a variety of input devices (eg, keyboard, scanner, voice/sound recorders, mouse, touch screen)



Use a variety of media and formats, including telecommunications, to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences



Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities



Use a variety of online services (eg, purchasing, selling, tracking, communicating, banking, and investing)



Use a word processor to edit, copy, move, save, and print text with some formatting (eg, centering lines, using tabs, forming paragraphs)



Use advanced features and utilities of word processors (eg, Use clip art, a spell-checker, grammar checker, thesaurus, outliner)



Use appropriate software to design and produce professional-quality images, documents, and presentations



Use basic computer hardware, (eg, hunts for specific keys on keyboard, Use mouse)



Use boolean searches to execute complex searches on a data base



Use computers for a variety of purposes (eg, playing games, listening and interacting with storybooks, working with numbers, drawing)



Use content-specific tools (eg, software, simulation, environmental robes, graphing calculators, exploratory environments, Web tools) to support learning and research



Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations (eg, environmental probes, graphing calculators, exploratory environments, Web tools) to support learning and research



Use database software to add, edit, and delete records, and to find information through simple sort or search techniques



Use desktop publishing software to create a variety of publications



Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (eg, interactive books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning



Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, remediate skill deficits, and facilitate learning throughout the curriculum



Use industry-standard programs to produce a Web-based business operation or simulation



Use input devices (eg, mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (eg, monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies



Use keyboards and other common input and output devices (including adaptive devices when necessary) efficiently and effectively



Use knowledge of cognitive, physical, and social interactions to create and design user-friendly computer practices and applications that meet the needs of the market



Use menu options and commands



Use multiple online search techniques and resources to acquire information



Use proper fingering for all keys, beginning from the home row, maintaining proper posture while using the keyboard



Use technical skills (eg, pagination, printing, folding, cutting, and binding) to produce publishable materials



Use technical writing and communication skills to work effectively with diverse groups of people



Use technical writing and communication skills to work effectively with diverse groups of people



Use technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world



Use technology productivity tools to complete required professional tasks



Use technology resources (eg, calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities



Use technology resources (eg, puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories



Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning



Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning



Use technology resources to facilitate higher order and complex thinking skills, including problem solving, critical thinking, informed decision making, knowledge construction, and creativity



Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning



Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources



Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students



Use technology tools (eg, multimedia authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom



Use technology tools and information resources to increase productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning



Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information (eg, finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence)



Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating information (eg, finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence)



Use technology tools to process data and report results



Use telecommunications and online resources (eg, e-mail, online discussions, Web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities for the purpose of developing solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom



Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information, communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning, and pursue personal interests



Use various types of audio and video equipment (eg, digital cameras, recorders, scanners, Web cams, and CD and DVD recorders), as appropriate, for different projects



Use various types of networking models: