// Name of HTML File:    a07.htm
// Description:          Hello World Applet 
// Name of Java Program: a07.java

/*	Topics:
		1.	import		2.	awt
		3.	class		4.	public
		5.	new		6.	init() method
		7.	add		8.      void

import java.applet.*; // "import"=link to applet library--all applet.*
import java.awt.*;    //  Abstract Windowing Toolkit file (awt)library link

public class a07 extends Applet
	             // public makes a07 "global", not Private,
		     // = available to other programs in the same workspace.  
                     // "class" = template for multiple objects with
                     //  same features, like a 'blueprint' for objects.
{ Label helloLabel = new Label ("Hello, World!");       
    		     // "Hello, World!" is a Label, New, and the helloLabel
                     // (displays on initialization).
  public void init()
		     // The init method defines actions applet takes
                     // when initialized.
	             // 'void' signifies the return type. (this method does
                     //  not return a result, does not output a result.)
		     // "init()" means it is like "autoexec.bat" -- 
                     //  executed at start-up time?
    { setBackground(Color.yellow);
		    // "setBackground" & "add" are Reserved Words
      add(helloLabel); }
		    // Add the property "helloLabel" to the construct.
// end of JAVA01



Identify the lines that --  type answers right on this document.

adds a property.
= method that run first when applet starts.
links to abstract window toolkit.
is a blueprint for objects.
statements that link to libraries.
comment a single line.
comment a block of code

Rewrite this program to display "Hello, Java!" 
on background color of yellow.   

Screen Capture output, then paste and import java source file and
put document in HW book.
