/*  CIS 790                                           PROF. AUCIELLO */

import corejava.*;

class loancalc
 { public static void main(String args[])
     {	double principal;    
	double yearlyInterest;
	  int years;
          principal = Console.readDouble ("Loan Amount (no commas):");
          yearlyInterest = Console.readDouble("Interest rate in % (use 7.5 for 7.5%): ")/100;
	  years = Console.readInt ("The number of years: ");
          double y;
	    for (y= yearlyInterest - 0.01;
                 y<=yearlyInterest + 0.011; y += 0.00100)
                 { double monthlyInterest = y / 12;
                   double payment = principal * monthlyInterest /
                   (1-(Math.pow((1/(1 + monthlyInterest)),years*12)));
                   Format.print(System.out," With rate %6.3f", 100*y);
                   Format.print(System.out," your payment is $%10.2f", payment);
                   System.out.println(" ");
Note structured format.