/* CIS 790           ARRAYS       PROF. AUCIELLO

save this as  parrexc.java.  remove 4 tags.
compile and run it. modify as explained below.
you will be understanding  arrays, and error trapping.

	TOPICS:	defining and initializing arrays in one-step.
                integer and string arrays.
                print vs println
                for statement
                pre (++i) vs post-increment (i++)
                "==" equals "="

Normal output (ascending order)
Index Pointer = 0  Contents =  Hello World!
Index Pointer = 1  Contents =  Demos loops, arrays, printing from arrays.
Index Pointer = 2  Contents =  I hope  this is worth it ...
Index Pointer = 3  Contents =  Following is the output of printing the array.
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 -- stored internally
numbers printed out from array.
Index Pointer = 0  Contents = 1
Index Pointer = 1  Contents = 2
Index Pointer = 2  Contents = 3
Index Pointer = 3  Contents = 5
Index Pointer = 4  Contents = 8
Index Pointer = 5  Contents = 13
Index Pointer = 6  Contents = 21
Control goes here only when an error is 'caught'!
Index = 7 is Out of Range
          Understand why 7 triggered an error, how it was caught.

Your assignment:  (descending order)
Print out the contents of the integer array in reverse order:

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 -- stored internally
numbers printed out from array.
Index Pointer = 6  Contents = 21
Index Pointer = 5  Contents = 13
Index Pointer = 4  Contents = 8
Index Pointer = 3  Contents = 5
Index Pointer = 2  Contents = 3
Index Pointer = 1  Contents = 2
Index Pointer = 0  Contents = 1
Very, very cool!

clues:  watch pre- vs. post-increment.  note base 0.
show me what you can do.
use an index out of range, say 9 to test the try..catch routine.
clip output along with source, present in HW folder.

5:     sets up and initializes an array of integers.
6:     sets up a string array with 4 rows.
7-10:  stuffs data into the string array.
11-12: prints out contents of string array.
16-17: prints out 7 elements of integer array.
       note post increment. note  starts at 0.
       in a try group, so if there is a crash,
       the 'catch' group will handle it.

import java.io.*;
class parrexc 
{ public static void main (String args[])
  { int i;
    int arr[] = {1,2,3,5,8,13,21};   // 5:
    String srr[] = new String[4];    // 6:
    srr[0]="Hello World!";           // 7:
    srr[1]="Demos loops, arrays, printing from arrays.";
    srr[2]="I hope  this is worth it ...";
    srr[3]="Following is the output of printing the array.";
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)          // 11:
        { System.out.println("Index Pointer = " + i + "  Contents =  " + srr[i]); }

    System.out.println("1 2 3 5 8 13 21 -- stored internally");
    System.out.println("numbers printed out from array.");

 try {
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    { System.out.println("Index Pointer = " + i + "  Contents = " + arr[i]); }
    System.out.println("Very, very cool! "); }   // 17:

 catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Control goes here only when an error is 'caught'!");
    System.out.println("Index = " + i + " is Out of Range"); 


end of listing
